Thursday, October 30, 2008

Half-Nekkid Thursday (HNT)

For those who aren't familiar with it, check out the recent refresher course here. Basically, a bunch of bloggers post "half-nekkid" photos of themselves. This means that although in the sex blogging world, it could be boobs, or like my first one here, asses......"half-nekkid" doesn't always mean nude, so don't be surprised if you see lips, ears, or the sexy inside of my elbow. ;-)

I've been viewing HNTs for a long time now, so I'm excited to jump in this first time. It gives me a great excuse/way to get my feet wet with posting my pictures here, too. And for those who know me from elsewhere, you'll be seeing some repeat pictures for a little while. Hope you don't mind. :P


Mariposa said...

Love the view!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I knew it was a sweet ass.

Evening said...

Welcome to HNT. This is a beautiful shot.

Vixen said...

So glad you joined the ranks. LOVE those panties and excellent shot!


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

That is surely a stunning opening to HNT participation. :)

Love the undies, by the way.

Osbasso said...

Welcome to HNT!! I've seen you out lurking a bit. Was just wondering how long it would take before the hypnotic effect took affect! Looking forward to seeing more of you!

Ashly Star said...

Great curves and those undies are sooo sexy. Happy HNT!

An Artist Exposed said...

Heavens.... so many places to kiss and caress - lovely HHNT!

Jennybean said...

very nice...

welcome to HNT!

Greg and Sheryl said...

Welcome to the HNT neighborhood! We hope you'll stick around a while. Your first photo is terrific, so we are looking forward to your future contributions. HHNT!

hamachi15 said...

Great pic! I have a feeling I have seen you somewhere before...hmmm.

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT first HNT. Goodness me, so how far away do you live again? ;)

Lapis Ruber said...

You hit the mark straight away :-) Happy HNT.

Stephanie said...

Welcome to HNT!

Anonymous said...

I mind!!! =P

I've always liked this picture.

Anonymous said...

This has always been one of my favorite views of you. Nice ass. <3

Dee said...

Welcome to HNT! That's a great image - lovely knickers on a lovely arse :)

(And I'm now rather too amused by the captcha image, which is 'rammer'.)

xx Dee