Sunday, February 22, 2009

No Kissing Zone

No Littering, no unloading, no parking, no no no no! There are tons of signs that tell you what you can and can't do, but never have I seen a No Kissing sign before.(Photo used from Yahoo!)

Signs like these can now be seen around Warrington Bank Quay train station in England. Apparently embraces of love were clogging up the walkways to and from the station and slowing down commuters. The train station is becoming increasingly busy, so the signs were posted as an attempt to keep commuter traffic at the station flowing as smoothly as possible. With these no kissing zones have also comes designated areas to hug and kiss.

One now must wonder, what is the penalty for kissing in a no kissing zone?

Click here for more about the No Kissing Zones.

Sunday Funnies

Reminded me of how every day "things" can be turned into the dirtiest fun!

Unfortunatly, I can't get the display image to increase in size, so click on the image to get a bigger more easily read version. Enjoy =)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Funnies

Thursday, February 12, 2009

HNT -- The Nutella jar says not to refrigerate....

But it didn't say anything about not freezing onto spoons and then having a photo shoot with them. ;-)

I did a trial run a few months ago to see how well it'd freeze and how quickly it'd melt (which is really quick, by the way, although that might have something to do with being pressed against my warm body). I haven't gotten back around to doing it again yet, so figured I might as well share some of what I've got.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Funnies

Sunday, February 1, 2009